The Apostleship of Prayer is a program of spirituality. It is the union of the Catholic faithful who by their daily oblation, unite themselves with the Eucharistic sacrifice. It is a way of praying, and a way of living, not just a devotion like praying the rosary or a novena.
According to Pope Pius XII, "devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is so closely connected with the Apostleship of Prayer and so proper to it that it can be rightly asserted that the Apostleship of Prayer is a perfect form of Devotion to the Sacred Heart, and correspondingly that Devotion to the Divine Heart of Jesus is quite inseparable to the Apostleship of Prayer."
The revised statutes of the Vatican Council of 1868 provide the five points of spirituality for the members of the Apostleship of Prayer, which are:
1. The knowledge and love for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The apostles of prayer must learn to offer themselves everyday to God with Christ, through Christ, and in Christ.
2. The cultivation of a genuine devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. True devotion does not consist only in external prayers but in a deep and lasting understanding and appreciation of Christ's love for God and his fellowmen. This love must be imitated by the apostles of prayer and must express itself in true charity for all men.
3. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. Mary is that example of a human being most intimately associated with the work of redemption. She is the best guide to the Heart of Jesus and the best teacher of the attributes of His Heart.
4. The development of a spirit of unity and thinking with the universal Church. Each apostle must do his share to build up the Body of Christ and be interested in the needs and concerns of the Church.
5. The cultivation of the spirit of prayer. This includes regular prayer, reading and contemplating the Scriptures and attending retreats and recollections.
The requirements of membership in the Apostleship of Prayer are:
1. The daily morning offering. It is a surrendering to God at the beginning of every day, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the glory of God.
2. Recitation of the rosary, or at least one decade, every day. This is an expression of the filial devotion of the apostle to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
3. Consecration to the Sacred Heart. This is done during the ceremony of reception and as a sign and reminder of this consecration he receives a scapular or a badge. This consecration should be renewed regularly.
Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings
of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world.
I offer them for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart,
the salvation of souls, the reparation for sins,
the reunion of all Christians.
I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and priests
and all the members of the Apostles of Prayer
and in particular for those recommended by
our Holy Father for this month.